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What is the standard of plywood to European country?

Derek Wells from European Office of Global Plywood Biz Co.,Ltd


European and British plywood standard EN 13986:2004+A1:2015, EN 636: 2012, EN 314-2. Plywood with CE Marking.

There are some important plywood standards in Europe. It is also regarded as British standard for plywood.

Below are the three most important BS EN standards that a plywood company should know about.

EN 13986:2004+A1:2015
EN 636: 2012 Plywood – Specification.
EN 314-2: Plywood – Bond Quality – Requirements
EN 314-2: Plywood – Bond Quality – Requirements
EN 314-2: 1993 (confirmed in 2013) specifies the requirements for bonding classes of veneer plywood according to their end uses.

It includes three classes of bond quality.

EN 314-2 is widely seen in the test report of the plywood. It is the most important part of any lab test report for plywood.

Class End Uses
BondClass 1 Dry conditions – interior applications where there is no wetting risk.
Bond Class 2 Humid conditions – such as protected exterior conditions such as cladding plywood or under roof plywood.
Bond Class 3 Unprotected exterior conditions – average moisture content of most plywood under this weather will exceed 20%.

EN 636: 2012 Plywood – Specification
EN 636:2012+A1:2015 gives the requirements for plywood for non-structural and structural uses in dry, humid, and exterior conditions.

EN636 takes into account the quality of the bond(EN314-2) and the durability of the timber species used.

EN 13986:2004+A1:2015
EN 13986 is the European standard for wood-based panels. It defines the performance characteristic and test methods for Plywood, OSB and Laminated Veneer Lumber.

Panels marked within the European Economic Area for construction applications shall be marked according to EN 13986 plus.

EN 13986 is essential for plywood marking.

The number of this standard (EN 636) and the conditions of use:

EN 636-1 dry conditions
EN 636-2 humid conditions
EN 636-3 exterior conditions
The letter corresponding to the panels intended application:

“S” for structural
“NS” for general purpose (non-structural)

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